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Trophy Newsletter Topics
+ 21. Salzkammergut Trophy on July 14, register until
May 1 for the reduced entry fee!
+ Trophy Team Rating
+ Scott Junior Trophy on July 15
+ New Trophy Jersey by Löffler
+ Fascination BIKE Transalp
+ Mavic XA Pro
+ KTM-Bikes
+ Cosy days in Hotel Royal ****
+ Tip! UEC MTB Ultra Marathon EM in Spain
21. Salzkammergut-Trophy – register NOW and save 5 Euros
We are looking forward seeing you at the marathon and wish you a great and successful bike season!
Your Trophy Team

Searching for heroes: join the Trophy with your buddies
We guarantee: a joint marathon entails great stories for heroic sagas becoming very soon a bike junkie – your first race will be for sure not your last one!

Scott Junior Trophy
on July 15
For those rookies between 3 and 14 years of age who prefer not to race we offer again a dexterity parcour

New Trophy Jersey
by Löffler
You are not only buying Austrian Quality but also support the Debra-Children when buying a Jersey! So simply order the pieces in the preferred seizes (XS-3XL) along with your registration and collect your items at the Expo / Löffler Stand during the Trophy weekend.

15 until July 21:
Fascination BIKE Transalp
Steep climbs, challenging down-hills and breath-taking panoramic views are waiting for the participants of this fascinating Trans-Alp contest.
Medieninhaber und Herausgeber:
MTB Club Salzkammergut
Obere Marktstraße 1
A-4822 Bad Goisern am Hallstättersee
ZVR-Zahl: 410938232
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