slow motion
Prizes worth more than 10,000 Euros are waiting for the winners!
Not the fastest team, not the biggest team - no actually the "slowest” team may carry home the real big prize from the Trophy on July 12th 2025. After the race, the times of the participants of a team are added up. So those teams who add up to the longest time on the course in total - win the prizes!
There is an advantage to those teams who have many participants in the race, who ride the longest courses an reach the finishing line just before the time limit is in force.
For the winner teams great non-cash prizes are waiting for every team member!*
Details on all prizes of the Slow-Motion-Rating you will find here in German.
* the prizes are limited to 50 participants per team. If a team should have more than 50 drivers, only the 50 slowest bikers are going to be rated. If less than 10 bikers of a team make it to the finish, the team will not be rated in the Slow-Motion rating. Each club/organization/ company/team has to register via e-mail for this special team valuation and name a contact person. Each team will get its own register number. All bikers have to state this assigned number at registration. We will not check if the driver is really a member of this team/club, yet in the result list of the individual rating only the team name will be released! The prizes will be handed over after the event to the contact person, who is responsible for the distribution.