News 2008

5.000,- Euro Donation for debra-austria

5.000,- Euro Donation for debra-austria

The 111 finisher of the CA & Friends Teams were able to win the Slow-Motion-Rating. In the final rating the team had a lead of almost 38 hours over Slovak Snail Highlanders, who had won the team rating in 2006 and 2007. All CA & Friends team members were happy receiving a Jersey by Redvil.

Mr Andreas Engelhardt biked for 1700 Euros - a charity biking founded by the CA & Friends Team for the children who suffer of the rare skin disease epidermolysis bullosa also called Schmetterlingskinder

Through donations by other Trophy bikers as well as the selling of Trophy Jersey and a generous donation by the youth and tourism council KommRat Viktor Sigl the Salzkammergut Trophy was able to hand over a check of 5000,-- Euros to Dr. Rainer Riedl chairman of debra-austria.