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Trophy Newsletter Topics:
Review Trophy 2014 – Register for 2015
A mud-bath including a new participants’ record: already at 05:00 o’clock in the morning 627 adrenaline junkies started – despite pouring rain – the monster distance of 211 km and 7.049 meters change of altitude. This year the drop out rate on the extreme distance was about 40 % so therefore the sun was shining on 388 finishers celebrating on the market square in Bad Goisern.
At the 17th edition of the Salzkammergut Trophy 5.001 bikers from 44 nations signed up just for the marathons on Saturday. However due to the weather only 4.256 athletes showed up at the start on one of the seven distances – 3.816 of them were able to finish the race.
We would like to thank all participants, also our special thanks to the thousand volunteers, all clubs and organizations, all land owners and local residents as well as our patrons and our wonderful sponsors who contributed to this great success!
Any feedback – praise, critique, suggestions, ideas or improvement suggestions – please send us an email to salzkammergut@trophy.at. Next year we are not planning an additional new contest, however we will focus on numerous improvements regarding details. For example a second bike wash in case of bad weather. For the Bike-Check we will search for more Partner-dealers as well as additional mechanics in order to reduce the waiting time. The number of starters of the Slow-Motion-rating will be reduced from 100 to 50 participants, so more teams have a chance to win the first prize.
The 18th Salzkammergut Trophy will take place on July 11, 2015 - registrations possible as of now
At the 17th edition of the Salzkammergut Trophy 5.001 bikers from 44 nations signed up just for the marathons on Saturday. However due to the weather only 4.256 athletes showed up at the start on one of the seven distances – 3.816 of them were able to finish the race.
We would like to thank all participants, also our special thanks to the thousand volunteers, all clubs and organizations, all land owners and local residents as well as our patrons and our wonderful sponsors who contributed to this great success!
Any feedback – praise, critique, suggestions, ideas or improvement suggestions – please send us an email to salzkammergut@trophy.at. Next year we are not planning an additional new contest, however we will focus on numerous improvements regarding details. For example a second bike wash in case of bad weather. For the Bike-Check we will search for more Partner-dealers as well as additional mechanics in order to reduce the waiting time. The number of starters of the Slow-Motion-rating will be reduced from 100 to 50 participants, so more teams have a chance to win the first prize.
The 18th Salzkammergut Trophy will take place on July 11, 2015 - registrations possible as of now
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